To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the "Prisma☆Illya" anime adaptation, a figure of Illyasviel von Einzbern is being released by Silver Link, the studio responsible for the animation! This figure, based on an original illustration by Silver Link, brings to life the scene from the first season where Illya first transforms.
The figure beautifully captures Illya's flowing hair and dynamic frilled skirt, along with her delicate physique. The soft color palette of her outfit and hair is meticulously recreated, showcasing a striking contrast in textures. Her adorable, innocent smile perfectly evokes the scene from the anime, making it a must-have for fans. Enjoy this delightful figure in your collection!
Painted plastic 1/7 scale complete product with stand included. Approximately 190mm in height.
Hoshina Eimi
• Please note that images shown may differ from the final product.
• Paintwork is done partially by hand and therefore final products may vary.
• The base shown is a prototype. The final version may differ.